OpenURL Resolver Presets

It seems that Zotero ships with the george mason university link server as the pre-set baseurl for Openurl links. Would there be any interest in having a linkserver set up specifically for use with Zotero? This is something we could provide. There are a bunch of features this would add for free- export to refworks as an example.

Also, someone might take a look at OpenURL Referrer ( and copy the code that auto-checks for a resolver using the OCLC Resolver registry.

let me know- (OCLC Openly Informatics)
  • You're right that Zotero currently ships with the George Mason link server as the default--we're working on a startup wizard that will help users find their local OpenURL server. However, right now users can check with the OpenURL registry to see if Zotero can find other (non-GMU) OpenURL servers by opening the preferences panel and using the drop-down menu. If an entry other than "Custom" appears, Zotero has found another possible OpenURL server (i.e., the user's computer lies within a range of IP addresses that are able to use another institution's OpenURL server).

    Thanks for your offer of help, Eric--we'll definitely be in touch.
  • I'm having a problem establishing our local OpenURL links. I managed to get everything set up in my preferences, but Zotero seems to be sending an oddly formatted SID that doesn't get me any results. I may be doing something wrong, but I've asked around and others are having this problem as well.

    Other than that, this is a super neat tool,

  • My copy of Zotero doesn't send any sid or rfr_id parameters (it probably should, though). Is it possible your resolver just doesn't handle OpenURL 1.0?
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