CV Manager

First of all, I love what Zotero is evolving into. I can only imagine what the future will also bring!

I wasn't expecting the CV component, but I think it makes absolute sense!
Seeing that as a physician, I primarily use PubMed as a resource. Subsequently it would be nice that
a) I can simply enter a Pubmed ID number which automatically populates my CV with the referenced article
b) to be able to have articles automatically populate my CV based on my name (if unique enough)

Just my 2cents! Keep up the great work and please keep this open source!!!
  • You can already populate your CV using a collection from your Zotero library, so you could create a "My Publications" collection in Zotero and then point one of your CV sections at that collection. We're also planning to add more possibilities here.
  • I just tried this option using a saved search. But using creator=my name also brought up book chapters that I didn't author but where I functioned as book editor. It feels like I'm missing something, but I can't figure out what. Is there any more elegant way than to add exceptions to the search criteria for each of those chapters?
  • Its moot right now because searches aren't yet supported via the web interface yet, but they will be.
  • At our med school we created our own CV builder which allows users to import their publications from PubMed. We ask the users to create a collection in My NCBI (upper right corner of PubMed and save their own publications there. Then we ask them to export in XML format and import into the CV builder.
  • I see, I'll wait for that to be supported. But still, I wonder if there's any better way to set the search criteria, as that might be good to know for other situations too.
  • The CV aspect of my account is not working at all right now, as far as I can tell. The CV tab shows up in my settings, but then when I click on it, the server times out or gives me an error message. Anyone know what the problem might be?

  • @lwynholds:
    Is it working now? I just updated a library that may have fixed an issue we were having, but I'm not sure if it was causing the problem with your CV.
  • i think it did! thanks!
  • However, while the page now displays and saves, I can't insert a collection from my library. What seems like it should be a drop down menu is entirely unpopulated.
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