Page numbers in Google Docs/Zotero/RTF/ODF-Scan

What is the best way to add the specific page numbers of a record in a reference that is dragged from Zotero to Google Docs? I.e. the Zotero record itself may contain the overall page numbers of a citation (e.g. pp. 1588-1611); but the precise reference in a text may want to refer just to page 1593. Is the only way to do this to add it manually in the field - like this { | Peuquet, et al., 2015 |1593 | |zg:393877:VCJNUZWT}?
  • You can look at using the citation picker that BBT implements:
    which supports ODF Scan format.

    If you find that too intimidating to set up, adding the page number manually is the only way to go.
  • Thanks Sebastian! I'll look into it. But so nobody has done for Google Docs what is written up there for Scrivener?

    And incidentally, is anybody working on Zotero integration into Google Docs? Paperpile even advertizes that people can use Paperpile to do what can't be done with Zotero...
  • no one currently working on gdoc integration I'm aware of no.

    But you should be able to handle full integration just with a good hotkey manager (that definitely work on Linux and I think the comparable software is, if anything, better on Windows and Mac) -- i.e. program a shortcut to call up the quick format bar and then have its output pasted in the current location.

    E.g. in AutoHotKey for Linux this looks something like this:
    #Paste a Zotero Scannable Citation using BetterBibTex
    citation = system.exec_command( "curl http://localhost:23119/better-bibtex/cayw?format=scannable-cite", getOutput=True)
    keyboard.send_keys(citation + "}")
  • Thanks again. We'll look into this. And maybe at some point we will have to make the switch to LaTeX itself - there seem to be quite a few real-time collaborative services out there now.
  • Both Authorea and Overleaf have Zotero integration of sorts and both allow rich text editing, not just LaTeX.
  • The Better BibTeX cayw picker can't (easily) be integrated in GDocs because GDocs severely limits the kinds of connections you can make -- certainly (and sensibly) not to your local system. There are ways around this, but it's tricky. It should be easier to have GDocs connect to the Zotero servers.

    Paperpile does GDocs integration but as a reference manager it's no match for Zotero. I tried it a few months ago for a collaborative paper but ended up just doing much of the authoring myself and merging additions from the other author using word doc-compare.

    Doesn't help that its of no use to LaTeX users, as export to BibTeX is manual, and while the BibTeX it generates is fairly good, it's not as good as Better BibTeX's (full disclosure: I'm the Better BibTeX dev, so I'm biased).
  • Right -- but last I checked, I could get the BBT picker to post ODF-scan codes to gdocs, so that's nice already.
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