How to export a collection

I would like to export a specific collection, as opposed to my whole Zotero collection. How can you do this, as I don't have option when I right click. I am used Zotero for Firefox and Zotero Standalone on Mac.
  • Please describe what you mean by, "export". For what purpose? Depending what result you need, there are several ways to accomplish this sort of thing.

    Do you need to:

    share the collection with another Zotero user?
    share it with a user of a different reference manager?
    convert the collections to an annotated bibliography?
  • Apologies for my lack of clarity.
    I meant export to a Biblatex file to be used in SharedLatex. There is no right-click option to export just one part of your Zotero collection which is problematic.
  • In the center panel you can select all or parts of a collection's items to export, etc.
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