New Primo Interface and Zotero

  • edited March 9, 2018
    Could you talk to ExLibris about this? There are two issues, only one we can address on our end:
    1.) We expect primo-explore to be part of all new primo instances (that one we can fix, but it won't help right now because:)
    2.) We rely on a bit of code called starting with <span class="urlToXmlPnx" to be embedded in the catalog. That's not on your catalog.

    I assume that's a difference between VE and whatever regular Primo is called, but that'd be up to them to address; it'll be very hard to make your catalog work with Zotero without that.
  • Thanks for the quick reply, adamsmith! I am opening an Ex Libris support ticket right now and will be sure to include this information.

  • Hi Sanjeet,

    I'm a sysadmin for library systems at Brandeis, and we're using Zotero on the Primo February release. Looking at your URL, I'm wondering if you have Primo VE, and if that might be part of the issue? I would think Primo VE upgrades would occur on the Alma release schedule rather than the Primo release schedule.

    Just thinking off the top of my head.

  • They _are_ using VE as per Sanjeet's first post, so that is likely it. The catalog interface looks similar enough to me that the same changes should be pretty easy to implement from the ExLibris side, at which point I'd be happy to expand the URLs on which Zotero looks for Primo instances.

    It would be good at that point to get some pointers as to common features of all Primo VE URLs.
  • edited March 10, 2018
  • I could not get the "article icon" when I clicked on the post for article in Oria, the Norwegian implementation of Primo. I got only the "book icon" on all kind of sources. But it is better than nothing, because I can change the "Item type" in Zotero.
  • Oh, it shows the book icon for every single case. But when you click on it, then the correct item type should be saved already.
  • Hi everyone,

    I wanted to update this thread. I confirmed with Ex Libris that the issue I reported is specific to PrimoVE. The span tag with class urlToXmlPnx is missing for our instance of PrimoVE (and presumably all institutions running this version of Primo). Ex Libris has forwarded the issue to Tier 2 support for further investigation. From there, they will likely escalate the issue to Development to be fixed in a future monthly release of Primo.

  • Hi everyone,

    Like Sanjeet, we're on a hosted Primo VE and the translator doesn't seem to recognize our Primo records.


    I'm using Chrome and v.5.0.35 and Zotero Standalone 5.0.40.

  • see Sanjeet's post right above -- this is at this point in Ex Libris' court; not much we can do on our end.
  • Hello everyone,

    I wanted to update this thread to share that Zotero seems to be working with the July 2018 PrimoVE update. I just confirmed the translator icons are working correctly here at University of Redlands.

  • ah yes, sorry for not reporting back. ExLibris got back to us & zuphilip implemented the remaining needed changes on the Zotero end.
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