Can I use Zotero 4.0 and Zotero 5.0 at the same time?

edited October 14, 2016
Can I use Z 4.0 Standalone and Z 5.0 ST at the same time on the same computer?
Yes, I know these can't share the same DB.

For example, in the same computer...
- install Z 4.0 in folder C:\Z4 and use data folder C:\Z4_data
- install Z 5.0 in folder C:\Z5 and use data folder C:\Z5_data

Is this possible? No problem?
  • Yes, that should be possible. Note that if you open them both at the same time, the connector will probably save to whichever version you open first, so I'd recommend opening one or the other at once. They should sync with each other via
  • I see. Thanks.
  • edited October 14, 2016
    Theoretically we could run two SA versions at the same time, but actually this situation made troublesome situation.

    Anyway I decided to use Zotero 5.0 FF version with data folder C:\zotero_data_5.0, and Zotero 4.0 SA version with data folder C:\zotero_data_4.0.
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