New design


it seems as though Nature publishing group is switching to a new design where the automatic import to zotero doesn't work anymore. Nature communications ( has already switched (last week I could still switch back to the old design via a banner in the top of the page but now that is no longer possible). On e.g. Nature Cell Discovery ( one can still switch back and forth between the old and the new design (banner in top of page). Nature itself (the main journal) still has the old design. Any news on whether zotero will be able to import from the new design?

Best, David
  • whether: definitely yes.
    when not sure, but this isn't hard; it's a well structure site, so I'd say weeks, maybe sooner?

    In the meantime, using the embedded metadata translator (right click in Chrome, the little arrow next to the icon in Firefox, then select "Save to Zotero (Embedded Metadata)") should get you good import for individual items.
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