Can't Import Data form a Website

Report ID: 189302855

Each time I try to import data about some source on a webpage, Zotero announces me the file is being saved, and then nothing happens. The message just disapears and nothing has been saved to my library. I have to enter everything manualy. It happens everytime, with all the download options.

P.S.: Sorry if I may not use the exact vocabulary for Zotero operations; I use the french version.


  • What is the exact URL? You may use the French language. There are folks participating here who are fluent in French.
  • You mean the document URL? The problem doesn't concern any particular
    document; I can't import data at all.

    Thanks. Just to be sure, I explain again in french.

    Chaque fois que je tente d'enregistrer des données dans Zotero, pour quelque document que ce soit et quel que soit l'outil utilisé, Zotero m'informe par un message que l'enregistrement vers ma bibliothèque est en cours, mais rien ne se produit. Le message disparaît au bout d'un instant, et rien n'a été enregistré dans ma bibliothèque.

  • edited October 8, 2016
    (We'd still want at least one sample URL, please).
    The "Saving to Zotero" message that comes up-- does that contain the title of the item you're trying to save or not?
    Are you using Zotero Standalone? With which browser?

    edit: feel free to continue in French.
  • Thank you very much. I just tried with this one, to no avail:

    The message did contain the title of the item.

    I'm using Zotero Standalone with Mozilla Firefox as my web browser
  • If by "this" you mean that the said web page opens, nope, nothing happens at all, really.
  • no, by "this" I mean the instructions on that page applies: You're not sharing a data directory between Firefox and Standalone.
  • Oh, sorry. This was indeed the problem, which is thus now solved.

    Thank you very much!
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