Can I edit a field in multiple entries at the same time?

Basically, the title of the post. I want to empty the 'Additional' field (not sure if it's called that in english, maybe 'Extras'?) for a lot of articles at the same time.

Can this be done?
  • Not easily. In Zotero for Firefox, you can use the JavaScript API to do some batch editing ( Better Batch is planned generally, but no estimate for when it will arrive.
  • Too bad. I rather not mess with my database, so I guess it's time for some manual batch editing.

    Thank you!
  • In the absence of an internal solution perhaps you can apply automation scripting to the Zotero GUI?
  • dragonfly, those are essentially the same thing. Designing a usable GUI is generally one of the hardest parts of development work.
  • edited September 27, 2016
    @bwiernik - No, I'm talking about external tools which do not require any internal coding of Zotero (or other such GUI's automated).

    The choice of automation tool is influenced to a degree by the host (Windows, Linux, Mac) but I can point to some I've used (currently I'm in Ubuntu so Actionaz is my choice):-

    Actionaz - - (Windows and Linux)
    AutoHotKey - - (Windows)
    Selenium (for Firefox browser)

    In Actionaz for example a script with extension *.ascr is produced.
    You can click on an item in Zotero standalone GUI.
    Click Tab once to get to Info tab
    Click Tab again n times (in a loop) to move down to Extra: field
    Click Del to delete Extra: value
    Refer to next item and repeat. You can look for [Extra:] as an image.

    That is a simple example but complex automation scripts can be written as workflows.

    Basically you are writing sequences of key strokes, sometimes looking for target images on the screen, if looping through a fixed number of Tabs does not work.

    Often these tools are used to test GUI's.
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