PMID in the 'Extra' field don't show up in bibliography

I am stumped.
I am formatting my bibliography employing an existing csl style from the repository (National Library of Medicine (grant proposals with PMCID/PMID)) located here:

This is supposed to show the PMCID or PMID of my references in the bibliography, but for the life of me, I can't get the PMID of my references to show up!

In Zotero-Firefox, I can see that all my references do have the "Extra: PMID: 123456" field under the "Info" tab.

The rest of my bibliography looks just fine, citations appear the way they should. I've tried another reference style:

which shows the DOI of each citation, and that shows up fine in my bibliography. But it's really the PMID that I'd like to include, not DOI.

So I am really confused. I've been reading others' posts and it seems like they get it to work. Any help would be much appreciated.

BTW, I apologize to the forum team for my flurry of newbie posts in the last few days...
  • works for me (the NLM one -- the NSF style isn't supposed to include PMIDs).
    Which Zotero version? How are you generating that bibliography (i.e. are you using the word processor add-on or just generating from Zotero).
  • Thanks adamsmith, I really appreciate your promptness in helping me fix all my issues!

    I am aware that NSF doesn't include PMID, but it's another style I tried to see how things were working, if just the NLM style was a problem, or others too. Anyway, the NLM style works well except for the PMID not showing up in the bibliography.

    I use Zotero v. in Firefox 48.
    I am using the Word add-on.

    BREAKTHROUGH: all this time I was working with a Word document from a previous grant application, full of citations inserted using Refworks(RW) and a RW-formatted bibliography at the end. My plan was to go through each RW reference citation one by one and replace them with citations to the same papers but using Zotero. I just occurred to me now that maybe RW field codes (or something else RW-related) prevented Zotero from doing its job properly in Word. So I created a new Word document, inserted the same citation, and now it works, the formatting of the bibliography is the same except that now I see the PMID field properly.

    I'll do a few tests to see what I need to remove from Word to get Zotero to work perfectly, but you can consider that one solved.

  • While I'm not surprised the RW fields cause problems, I am a bit surprised that the problem was _that_ specific; glad you figured it out, that would have been hard to troubleshoot.
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