Artwork metadata
Is it possible to add fields to info?
Artwork metatdata should be upgraded - seeing that we live in a visual world. It is really frustrating when you are working with images together with texts.
Artwork options should be based on meta data similar to that in iart museums. Failing that it would be great to be able to add your own relevant fields. For instance there is no option to show the artist has signed the work which of course is basic info.
Artwork metatdata should be upgraded - seeing that we live in a visual world. It is really frustrating when you are working with images together with texts.
Artwork options should be based on meta data similar to that in iart museums. Failing that it would be great to be able to add your own relevant fields. For instance there is no option to show the artist has signed the work which of course is basic info.
While I'm open to adding fields to item types when we revisit them (which should happen sometimes in the next year or two), there's just no way Zotero can be an effective reference manager and allow for full, subject-specific metadata info for all item types. We'd see items with 50+ fields that become completely unmanageable, so we'd need very generic suggestions for additional fields.
Custom fields will hopefully happen sometime later next year — not for sure, but that's one of our top priorities after Zotero 5.0.