Missing documentation pages

Currently it seems that the api documentation page is missing. The API page https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/web_api/v3/start doesn't exist (but you can see it still in google-cache) and if I follow the link to https://www.zotero.org/support/dev/server_api it says: "This is a placeholder page to ensure that links to /support/dev/server_api show up as existing. The server redirects requests to this page to the landing page for the current API version, so this page should never be accessible."

Can someone please restore the documentation page?

Thank you in advance!
  • (it's not in the Wiki history, almost as if an old version of the documentation is on the servers -- which might actually be what's going on, since the v1 and v2 API documentation is intact)
  • Sorry, lost some redirects in last night's upgrade. Back now — thanks.
  • Thank you for restoring the pages.
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