Public Database Search & Default Categories

The software version of Zotero enables the user to search abstracts, etc. whereas the online version only enables the user to search the title, creator, and year. Is a more exhaustive search function available for public users who are accessing our database online?

Also, is it possible to change the default categories the public sees when accessing the database? The default is set to Title, Creator, and Date Modified. Date Modified is not a helpful category and it would be better if the date of the publication showed up in our case (and I am guessing most cases). Also, better to sort by creator rather than title. Is there a way of changing what the public sees by default when accessing our database?

  • 1. No, though it's planned (no ETA, but it shouldn't be _that_ far out).

    2. No -- you can't determine the defaults and the categories displayed are determined by users seeing the library, not a library's owner. (You can, obviously, use the API to create any sort of display you're interested in on your own page, but I take it that's not what you're after).
  • Ok, thank you Adam for the quick reply.
  • Is this still the case as it's been a while now? I do so agree that Publication Date would be far more useful to show than Date Modified. It would match expected bibliog custom AND also enable sorting on publication date to give a timeline sequence - as is so marvellous in the desktop client.

    Date Modified ordering gives a chaotic first impression on initial arrival. It's perhaps of some interest to some returners to see what's new, but that isn't usually of much importance. One wants to find a specialist item or list rather than see new listings. Collaborators on a team project who do want to check that would most likely have the desktop client to do it.

    Ideally it would be best to have the admin enabled to toggle the default to Creator or Publication Date. If that is too much trouble then at least please please set the default to one or the other.

    I have had much good service from Zotero and I am not as poor as I used to be.How can donate to you?
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