Zotero goes crazy adding unnecessary info into all citations


Today, when I started reading existing documents which include references created by Zotero, I was troubled to see that all of my Zotero refs have lost their proper styling and now appear like some kind of faultily formatted machine code. For example a normal reference for a book starts with:

{ADDIN ZOTERO_ITEM CSL_CITATION {CitationID":"EqQZ6OSg","properties":{"formattedCitation":"{\\rtf Moreau, {\\i{}Hashish and Mental Illness}.}","plainCitation":"Moreau, Hashish and Mental Illness."},"citationItems":[{"id":123,"uris":["http://zotero.org/users/603496/items/7ETT5HHV"],"uri":["http://zotero.org/users/603496/items/7ETT5HHV"],"itemData":{"id":123,"type":"book","title":"Hashish and Mental Illness","publisher":"Raven Press","publisher-place":"New York","edition":"First English language ed.","source":"Amazon.com","event-place":"New York","ISBN":"0-911216-14-6","author":[{"family":"Moreau","given":"Jacques-Joseph"}],"editor":[{"family":"Peters","given":"Helen"},{"family":"Nahas","given":"Gabriel G."}],"issued":{"date-parts":[["1973"]],"season":"1845"}}}],"schema":"https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/raw/master/csl-citati (it continues like this for several more lines of code like this).

Basically it seems to be adding many different fields, even adding whole abstracts into my citations. Strangely enough when I tried to copy paste the whole thing here it produced just the original citation: Moreau, Hashish and Mental Illness..

This appears like this now for all my references in all my documents. When I try to add new references in new documents, similar results are produced. What is going on and how do I fix this???

I am using zotero for firefox version and zotero pulgin for word integration 3.5.5 running on windows 7.

Thanks, Gogol
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