scrolling behind save dialogue

On my Mac or Linux laptops, if I have a webpage open and open up a Zotero 'notes' box, I can scroll the web page behind it (with two-finger scroll or USB mouse wheel). This is useful because I can keep taking notes on the webpage as I scroll down and read it. In contrast, when I am doing a google scholar search and open the 'save to Zotero' dialogue, I cannot scroll the search behind it.

This feature request is for the ability to scroll a page while keeping the Zotero save dialogue in front/'above' it.

Alternatively, it would actually accomplish something very similar to actually add little buttons to the search results which allow one to save them individually; then I wouldn't have to use the save dialogue.

This difference between the 'notes' dialogue and the 'save' dialogue is probably caused by 'save' being always on top of the webpage, whereas the notes dialogue can be hidden behind. I wouldn't mind 'save' being just like 'notes', and therefore being able to get hidden by the Firefox window, but it probably would cause someone to lose the window and forget about it; it's probably not optimal.
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