highlight current selected paper

I am using Ubuntu Linux. If I click on an item from my library, in the middle pane, it is highlighted and the item details appear in the rightmost pane. However, as soon as I click on items in the right pane in order to interact with them, say by switching to the 'tags' tab, the highlighting in the middle pane goes away and if I forget what paper I'm looking at I have to go to the 'info' tab to find out.

My feature request is for a more permanent current item indicator which stays even when it loses focus.

The leftmost pane, 'collections', also could use this.
  • Does this happen for other Linux users? On a mac items in the middle column stay highlighted, they just shift to a light Grey instead of the bright blue. The same behavior occurs for selected collections.
  • no, ubuntu 8.10 with Zt 1.5b maintains the selection both for item and for collection.
  • edited March 17, 2009
    The behavior Tjowens describes (shift to light grey from the default highlight color (which, for me, is an Ubuntu orange) happens for me under Ubuntu using 1.5b1.

    edit:guess i was beaten to it ;-)
  • ok, maybe I should try the Beta!
  • This shouldn't be anything specific to 1.5, or even to Zotero. You should see the same behavior in any similar "tree" in Firefox, such as in the Organize Bookmarks window (when it's put in the background).
  • OK, I'm guessing this is just my Firefox theme's fault!(miint)
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