Single and Individual Citations for copying

In Style Editor, output of Cerebral Cortex style citation is as follows:

Single citations
(Sillito et al. 1993; Wang et al. 2006; Andolina et al. 2007)

Individual citations
(Andolina et al., 2007)
(Sillito et al., 1993)
(Wang et al., 2006)

If I remember correctly, previously, when I right-click items and select "Create Bibliography from Items..." and choose "Citations" and "Copy to Clipboard", the clipboard contained single citations. However, now it has Individual citations instead. If there was a change in design, I would suggest that choices for Output Mode should be 'Single Citations', 'Individual Citations' and 'Bibliography'.

As a workaround, I noticed that drag and drop items while pressing Shift key will paste Single Citations to the target.
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