Can't import second page of search results in Millennium OPAC

My library has an OPAC that is run by III's Millennium. On individual records and on the first page of search results, Zotero imports the items just fine. But on the second page of search results, Zotero doesn't recognize anything to be imported. So for example, Zotero can import search page 1:


but not search page 2:


I suspect that the problem has something to do with the fact that Millennium changes the format of the URL after going to the second page, which probably throws off the Zotero translator.

If you go from search page 1 to search page 2 and back again to page 1, the URL for page 1 is different, and Zotero doesn't recognize the items to be imported. So, this:


and this:


point to the exact same results, but Zotero sees items on the first page and not on the second.

Can the translator be updated?
  • I have also noticed that with Millenium, if you click on the persistent link on any record, Zotero doesn't recognize the link to be imported.
  • I hope that this translator gets updated soon, as Millenium is a catalog that hundreds (if not thousands) of libraries use.

    To sum up the issues with Millenium:
    - if you perform a search, the first page of results will give you a folder of results
    - if you navigate to the 2nd page of results, those items do not get detected
    - if you navigate back to the first page of results from the 2nd, the results disappear

    - many Millenium OPACs provide persistent links to the items in the catalog. The persistent links do not get translated at all.

    On that last point, for example:

    searching for a book:

    that record's persistent link:
  • I've had the same problem with Millennium that the above users have mentioned. Our library has access to Millennium through a consortium so there are at least 20 other libraries throughout Georgia who could be experiencing this same problem. I, too, hope that the translator is updated soon.
  • Berkeley is just implementing our new III opac, and experiencing the same problems described above. Can you give an ETA for an updated translator for Millenium opacs?
  • I have also discovered that if you do an author/title search, the translator doesn't work as well.


    Could someone please weigh in on when this might be fixed? III OPACs are used very often.
  • I cannot find these problems using Zotero 2.0b7.4 at the above mentioned Baylor catalog nor on my local catalog. My guess is that it is fixed.
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