references tab in zotero
It would be great if there was a tab with all the references, including hyperlinks, of an article (similar to the 'info', 'notes', 'tags' tabs) ideally with their ref number as well.
This would allow for clicking the ref inside zotero while reading the paper e.g. in acrobat without needing to navigate back and forth in the pdf
This would allow for clicking the ref inside zotero while reading the paper e.g. in acrobat without needing to navigate back and forth in the pdf
Are you asking for a system in your own manuscript that forms a 2-way link from in-text citations to the bibliography and from the item in the bibliography back to the text?
Are you requesting that each Zotero record also include all of the references that were cited in the item (articles, reports, books)? Where would Zotero obtain the reference list? There are online bibliographic databases that include this information (Scopus, Web of Knowledge, etc.) but these are only available by subscription. Google Scholar has this information for some articles.
If I am correct about your desire, I think that everyone who reads scholarly research would love that. But this is one step beyond what is available through the subscription citation databases I mentioned.