Copying folders between standalones

I have a few collections on the standalone version of my old laptop that I would like to copy to the standalone version of my new laptop. What's the best way to do that without deleting anything from my collections on my new laptop?

Also, I would like to backup my collections of my standalone version of my new laptop by putting them on my old laptop. What's the best way to do that?

Thank you!
  • Is there a way to copy a shared library on the online version of Zotero to my standalone version? I can't sync because there are collection-subcollection structures on the standalone that I don't want changed.

  • I suppose you can export collections from the old Standalone in Zotero RDF and re-import them, but it does sound like you're not understanding what sync does. The best way to describe it is that it's a way for work you do in one location of Zotero to transfer to any other location. If you have old work online and newer work in Standalone, syncing will not overwrite your more recent work.

    At this point, I'd just recommend making good back-ups so you can go back easily:

    and then simply trying what sync does.
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