Searching articles

When I want to search for an article based on topic, author, or tags, I first click on "My Library", then I type a word in the box titled: "All Fields and Tags". However, when the articles appear, I can't see which of my many folder collections they are from. Is there any way to easily see which collection and subcollection folder they are from?
  • Also, what is the difference between searching "All fields & tags" vs. "Everything". Does "Everything" include text in PDFs? If not, is there any way to search all PDF text?
  • Does "Everything" include text in PDFs?
  • Your quick comments are helpful!

    When I search "Everything" for specific phrases that are only in a single PDF, it still shows many articles. But the specific phrase is not in each PDF. Any idea why it still shows many articles?
  • edited August 20, 2016
    The words are likely matching individually. If you want to do a phrase search, put it "in quotes".
  • I tried putting phrases in quotes that I know exist in the PDFs but nothing comes up. I wish that worked because that's exactly what I'm hoping for. Ideas why it's not working?
  • do the PDFs show as indexed (select and check on the right)?
  • When I select them (one click), information about the atricle and a blank text area shows up in the right pane
  • Right, and the information about the article includes "Indexed: " followed by either yes or no
  • yes, it is followed by "yes" and two green arrows going in a circle
  • Okay, "yes" for Indexed means that Zotero has extracted text from the PDF that it searches. The green arrows is a button to re-index the PDF.

    When you open that PDF, can you search for the text in your PDF reader and have it found?
  • It seems to be working now. It may have just been something with the PDF when I tried it earlier. Thank you!!!
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