ScienceDirect, Wiley, etc.

Since a few days, I can't retrive articles from many libraries, such as Wiley or ScienceDirect. However, it is still working for other (e.g. Jstor).
Is it only me, or is it a translator issue ?
  • Can you provide some example URLs where it doesn't work, and a Report ID after trying?
  • Sorry, I wasn't very clear and accurate.
    I can't give a Report ID because I can't even try to retrieve the articles. The little icon "Save in Zotero" does'nt show up.
    For instance, it is working for this link (jstor):
    But it is not working for those (PlosOne, PNAS, Wiley):
  • No, you can always provide a Report ID — in this case it would just be after loading the page. (And since not everyone has access to the report info, you should also say what software you're actually referring to — Zotero for Firefox, Zotero Standalone with Chrome or Safari, etc.)
  • OK, sorry. Here is the report ID : 1301161565
    I am working with Zotero for Firefox, on both Windows 7 (at the office) and Ubuntu 14.04 (at home).
  • OK, so what do you mean when you say that the icon isn't appearing? There's always an icon in current versions of Zotero for Firefox. Do you mean that you only see the gray webpage icon but not the more specific icons for journal article, etc.?

    If so, try resetting your translators from the Advanced → Files and Folders pane of the Zotero preferences.
  • Exactly.
    I already tried to reset the translators. It worked, but nothing changed.
  • OK, how about a Debug ID (different from a Report ID) for a page load that doesn't find anything?
  • I turn on the debug function, then open one of the pages, and get this Debug ID : D1020219033
  • (3)(+0000244): Translators: Looking for translators for

    (3)(+0000000): Translate: All translator detect calls and RPC calls complete:

    (3)(+0000000): No suitable translators found

    (5)(+0000000): Translate: Running handler 0 for translators

    (3)(+0000001): Translate: No translators found
    Hmm, yeah, that's not right. It looks like you're missing a bunch of translators. If you open the 'translators' directory within your Zotero data directory, how many files are there?

    Just to be sure, can you try resetting translators again and restarting Firefox?

    If that doesn't work, can you provide a Debug ID for resetting translators and then reloading the page?
  • I tried again, but nothing changed.
    I only have 37 '.js' files in the translators directory.
    Here is the Debug ID : D1774751563
  • What happens if you just delete the 'translators' directory within your Zotero data directory and then restart Firefox?
  • Many thanks, it worked perfectly !!
    However, it is strange because few days ago, I removed all the files in the Zotero repository, except 'zotero.sqlite' file and 'storage' directory, and nothing changed...

    Thanks again!
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