Google Scholar Translation issues

  • I have been using Zotero Standalone in Chrome for the past few days, but I have problem saving citations from Google scholar today. I removed the extension and added again but that would not work
    report ID:1637679155
  • We'd need the exact URL together with the version number of Zotero you're using.
  • I think google scholar is blocking the automated query zotero is sending to "crawl" the data from its site if there are too many queries from one IP (or whatever identifier they use). I had the same problem as everyone else. First I switched from chrome to firefox. I was then able to download 9-10 results pages from google scholar. The same translator error occured again after that.

    The solution: I installed the Stealthy-Plugin to firefox to search "undercover". Now the download/saving is way slower BUT I can crawl the Data again.
  • There are different reasons import can fail, but yes, various types of IP/cookie-based blocks by Google will break Zotero import. They typically only occur when you're doing massive imports pretty quickly, i.e. >100 items
  • BibTeX not found
    ID 1551575634

    [JavaScript Error: "BibTeX not found." {file: "eval at (file:///C:/Users/vivian/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User%20Data/Default/Extensions/ekhagklcjbdpajgpjgmbionohlpdbjgc/5.0.19_0/inject/translate_inject.js:63:4), " line: 570}]

  • If you manually click on "Cite" and then "BibTeX" in google scholar, does that work?
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