Physics of fluid (AIP) incomplete citation style


when I import the references, the citation style for the journal of Physics of Fluids that I added to my library is not correct.

*For example, this is the recommended format:
--->K. M. Wisdom, J. A. Watson, X. Qu, F. Liu, G. S. Watson, and C. H. Chen, “Self-cleaning of super-hydrophobic surfaces
by self-propelled jumping condensate,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 110(20), 7992-7997 (2013).

* And this is what I get from zotero:
K.M. Wisdom, J.A. Watson, X. Qu, F. Liu, G.S. Watson, and C.-H. Chen, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110, 7992 (2013).

In there any way to fix this issue?

Thank you
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