Typo in CSL Specification: Formatting.vertical-align

["sup" subscript] probably should instead be ["sub" subscript]

Link: http://docs.citationstyles.org/en/stable/specification.html#formatting

Edit: The specification.txt source seems to have it correct ["sub" subscript"] here: (https://github.com/citation-style-language/documentation/blob/master/specification.txt). Am I looking at the wrong version of the specification? I'm looking at the stable version 1.0.1. Maybe the website has not been updated?
  • Thanks for reporting. We are aware of some typos that have already been fixed in the "master" branch, but haven't been backported yet to the "1.0.1" branch (the current stable version).

    I've been a bit busy, and I'm still not really sure about the best workflow to backport fixes in our Git versioning system (cherry-picking?), but we hope to get around it eventually.
  • This typo should now be fixed (across all CSL versions).
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