EBSCO Host, Metadata not retrieved

Hey there, wizards of citation expediency.

Report ID: 249523251

System info:
Firefox 47.0.1
Zotero Standalone (and Firefox Extension)
Windows 10 Education

Applications that could have conflicted:
Privacy Badger (Firefox Extension)
HTTPS Everywhere (Firefox Extension)
Spybot Anti-Beacon (Windows anti-telemetry software)
The problem still persists when all of these are disabled.
Adobe Flash/Shockwave are not installed.

Website in question:
(This is Taylor University's EBSCO Host permalink of Nestler's "Is there a common molecular pathway for addiction?" (http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v8/n11/abs/nn1578.html)).
The problem seems to persist on other EBSCO Host articles, but the problem does not seem to persist outside EBSCO Host articles, neither does there seem to be a problem with downloading the PDF and extracting the metadata.

Walkthrough to failure:
1. Navigate to EBSCO Host article
2. Hover over Zotero button: Zotero realizes that it is using the EBSCOhost translator ("Save to Zotero (EBSCOhost) (Ctrl+Shift+S)") and displays the icon of a document.
3. Click the icon. The bottom-left of Firefox shows the retrieval to be normal, extracting the information and PDF.
4. In Standalone, all that is retrieved is the Title, the Item Type, and the Library Catalog. Date Added and Modified are created as normal. The PDF is linked to the retrieved article. The system fails to retrieve all metadata beyond the title: Author, Abstract, Publication, etc.

Judging by the forums, this doesn't look like a new problem. Perhaps Taylor U has the same problems as Wheaton? https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/17123/ebscohost-translator-error/ Though, other Zotero users on the Taylor campus seem to be able to use it fine. I'm not on campus right now, so maybe that makes a difference...

Thanks in advance, benevolent wizards.
  • I don't have access to that article on EBSCO, so hard to take a closer look. EBSCO's site has change since 2011, so no, not the same problem as Wheaton. It would be useful to know if you have the same problem on campus.

    If the issue is the same on campus, it might be a problem with EBSCO's data, not at all with the import. To check for that, click on Cite on the right of the interface, then "Export to Bibliographic Management Software" then "Direct Import to RIS" -- if that directly imports into Zotero, see if that has all information. If it doesn't, save it to your harddisk, open with a text editor (notepage, TextEdit) and post the contents here.
  • Right--thanks for responding, and for doing it so quickly.

    If you tell me what you have access to (or what services you use), I think I can find a common article: I think the problem persists on every EBSCO Host article I can access. Alternatively, if you go to Google Scholar and add Taylor University to the Library links (click the gear (Settings), go to Library links, search for something like "Taylor University - Full Text @ Taylor," and add that), you can see the articles I can access.

    I tried what you said--as I expected, doing "Open with zotero.exe" didn't really do anything, but if I downloaded it and double-clicked it, everything copied over. In other words, the delivery.ris file has all the info.

    I just realized that I also have the Northern Virginia Community College catalog: Proquest Fulltext. Here's an article that they have, but Taylor does not: http://search.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.vccs.edu:2048/login.aspx?direct=true&db=c8h&AN=115343812&site=ehost-live
    The same problem is there, too. So, perhaps it's not Taylor, but me?
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