Using {numbered fields} like endNote has advantages!

When I first considered moving away from endnote to Zotero I found one Big Showstopper: Zotero will not be able to recognise the Endnote citations and bibliography, in your word documents. I have plenty of papers, and I often copy/paste chunks. But I bit the bullet.

Still today I found another issue: Using {numbered fields} like endNote has advantages!
Zotero cannot work with onenote, or any text editor, as the insertions it makes must take advantage of some proprietary Word feature. In comparison, endNote just inserts a {numbered field}. This is portable. I use onenote to draft my papers. I can copy-paste from endnote to onenote and get those {numbered fields}. Then, I can go to word to get the bibliography generated. I cannot do that with Zotero. Or can I?

If anyone has a workaround to use any markup that zotero will understand once I paste the text back into word, please share.

  • There are plans to make it easier to switch documents with Endnote citations and bibliographies over to Zotero. The somewhat complicated nature of the problem means it will take a while.

    Zotero does not currently support a method for entering info like Endnote's { } system. At this point you can drag and drop references and citations into any text field. This works quite well in some cases, but it does not offer the same sort of control that one would get with with the replacement system.

    There is an ongoing conversation about this issue. Take a look, and potentially contribute, to the fairly extensive conversation about supporting some sort of simple markup for adding citations
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