Change quotation style

Hi, I've recently started using Zotero and I'm having some issues regarding quotation marks.
I'm writing my document in Italian, and set as a style Chicago 16th edition full note. I set Italian in the Zotero plugin for Word. The problem is that quotation marks are « » instead of " ". Is there a way to change that, still keeping Italian as a language? I tried to edit the style via Visaul Editor, but I cannot find how to change that.
  • I see your pull request on the locale which would change this but requires some discussion. But for a more immediate solution, if you add
    <locale xml:lang="it">
    <term name="open-quote">“</term>
    <term name="close-quote">”</term>
    <term name="open-inner-quote">‘</term>
    <term name="close-inner-quote">’</term>

    in the style right next to the English locale definitions already in there, you can adjust that. Hard (impossible?) to do with the visual editor, though, you'd have to use the code editor there or do it in a text editor. Let me know if this isn't clear.
  • Hi, thanks for the reply. I spent the whole morning on it, but finally managed to change the style adding both the changes for quotation marks and "a cura di". I'll reply back to you in the other post motivating my request for a change in the locale.
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