count of import list
When I pickup (with the ZoteroAdd On) a list of publications (e.g. a search results list of WebOfScience) Zotero opens a dialog and shows me all publications he see. There I can (de)select them for import into my library.
The dialog doesn't show me the count of publications.
Because we know that such an pickup/import not everytime working well I want to check by the counter number if Zotero realized all publications.
e.g. The results list shows me 19 publications and I want to know if Zotero sees them too.
So simple. Just add a "n publications" to the titlebar or on top of that dialog. Thx
The dialog doesn't show me the count of publications.
Because we know that such an pickup/import not everytime working well I want to check by the counter number if Zotero realized all publications.
e.g. The results list shows me 19 publications and I want to know if Zotero sees them too.
So simple. Just add a "n publications" to the titlebar or on top of that dialog. Thx
adamsmithI like that. Not sure how easy to build in practice, but would definitely be useful, especially for large sets of multiples.