"Save by DOI" shows a selectable list even if there is only one entry

e.g. <http://gerontechnology.info/index.php/journal/article/view/gt.2006.>;

Zotero offers "Save by DOI" (with a folder symbol).
It shows me a dialog with only one entry and I can (de)select it and click "Ok".

The point is: If there is only one entry I don't want to see the dialog with the (one-entry) list. This makes no sense (for me) and wasting time.

I have no example but in my foggy memory I remeber cases where "Save by DOI" doesn't offered my this one-entry-list-dialog. Maybe this depend on the Site?
  • We do this on purpose, because the DOI may not refer to the article on the page, but could just be a cited reference. We therefore want to display the title to the user as they save it.
    I think you're right that this used to work differently way back -- it's a purposeful change.
  • What adamsmith said. Here is why Zotero does this.

    Some publishers do not specifically include the DOI in the article metadata. Good publishers (in my opinion) always include this metadata --invisible to the viewer-- with their articles. The DOI is included on the webpage but DOIs for articles in the reference list are also on the webpage. Sometimes, there isn't a DOI for the article and all DOIs on the webpage are in the reference list. Zotero cannot guess which DOI is the right one when the publisher doesn't make that known. This unfortunate situation arises, in part, because the publisher doesn't provide suitable metadata embedded with their articles. Zotero falls back to the DOI so that something can be imported. This fallback also can occur when there is embedded metadata but it is known to be quite poor.

    Alas, even when the correct DOI is selected; sometimes the import goes awry. This can be because when the publisher registered the DOI it didn't bother to provide complete and correct information to the registry.

    Trust but verify: even "good" publishers sometimes get it wrong and the information retrieved must be edited after it is imported into Zotero. Always check for accuracy. An incorrect citation can have unpleasant consequences.
  • and it's not just about articles: If you cite an article with a DOI in your blog, Zotero's default option would be to offer the article for import via DOI, not the blogpost (that's debatable as a choice -- I'm not loving it -- but given that's how it currently works, we want to make very clear that that's what's happening).
  • I see and understand. Thanks for explanation.
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