Case citation - brackets disappearing

Hello -

I'm using OSCOLA. For some reason, any punctuation (including brackets) I put in the 'reporter' field do not appear in footnotes. I need these to appear. Is there some way to disable the automatic suppressing of punctuation in that field?

Thanks in advance.
  • this is in regular Zotero? The style strips periods from the reporter field, but brackets appear for me just fine. What's an example?
  • I'm using the Firefox plugin, version

    For example, I put the following in the reporter field: "[1990]". But in the citation, the square brackets are stripped away.

  • I'll check on this later, but note that you probably should be using the reporter volume field for this.
    See here
    for reference entry examples for which the style is optimized.
  • Thanks. That does work actually, but I already have several dozen cases input improperly, so if there's a fix for the issue I raised that would be much appreciated!
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