What collection is my document in

Hi all,

I am a huge fan of Zotero but I have always found one issue with it very frustrating.

If I use the search facility and locate a document that I might have saved to one of my collections several years ago, I do not know how to find out which collection it is in.

Does this feature exist?

I always thought it would be great that when I click on a document the collection folder I have saved it in on the left would be highlighted or something. I know about the 'Locate' dropdown menu but this does not tell me which collection the document is in.

I hope someone can shed some light on this, or would it be possible to request it as a feature in the new 5.0 version?

  • https://www.zotero.org/support/collections_and_tags#identifying_collections_an_item_is_in
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