Style Request: Harvard Style, British variation

I'd love to have someone develop a variation on the Harvard style.

The closest one I found in the repository was the Harvard Leeds Met variation.

These are the big differences in the bibliography:
1. For multiple authors, use "and" instead of an ampersand.
2. An article should appear in 'Single quotes', followed by a comma outside the quotes. The first word of the article title is capitalized as well as the first word of the subtitle, as in 'Big blue bus: No riders',
3. For journals, there is no comma after the journal title.
4. For journal articles, there should be a colon after the issue number, not a comma, and the pp. is omitted, as in: Economy and Society [italicized] 12(4): 23.
5. For books, there should be a comma after the book title.
6. Book chapter titles are capitalized throughout (except for articles and prepositions). Page numbers for chapters are omitted.
7. pp. is always omitted in journal articles.
8. Publisher information for books lists only the city (not state or country) and the concise name for the press, as in London: Verso, or Cambridge: Polity Press.
9. For a chapter in an edited collection (book), the editorial information is listed as 'Big Blue Bus', in A. Smith, (ed.) Title of Book [italicized], City: Press.
10. Electronic retrieval information is not included.

For in-text citation, it's (Tully, 1995, 30), so a comma is added after the author and the p. is omitted.

Here is a link to the style guide:

If you scroll down the page, you'll see a bunch of examples.

I'll try to check back periodically to answer any questions... I tried to get all the differences listed, but I've inevitably missed a whole bunch of things.

Thank you so much for your help!
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