Updates to Journal of Management (JOM) style

I had posted this as a follow-up to a previous discussion, but I will create a new post. According to JOM style guide two items may need updating:

1) In-line citation. It should be (Year:page number); for example (2002:43), but current style adds a "p" before the page number (2002 p.43)

2) Bibliography. In press articles do not show DOI even when entered in the record.
Per guide "To cite an article that is in press, include the publication information from the source (as much as possible). If the article has a DOI (digital object identifier) such as the Journal of Management Online First system generates, give that number at the end"

For example,
Schleicher, D., Bull, R.A., & Green, S.G. in press. Rater reactions to forced distribution rating systems. Journal of Management. doi:10.1177/0149206308318618
  • (old post was fine, I just hadn't gotten to it. Generally better to bump old threads again if you think they've been overlooked than to have the same info/question/report in two separate locations)
  • Adam,

    Thank you. I will keep that in mind for future reference.
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