Zotfile PDF Annotation extraction: Support for adding keywords

My workflow often works like this: I put PDF onto my tablet, then go for a walk to read and annotate. I sometimes click links that open web pages–usually to Google Scholar cases–and then use print-to-pdf to drop a PDF into a Zotero_In directory that is synced up to Dropbox with dropsync. It's not until later that I can curate and add a new Juris-M entry bringing in that file... So I'll annotate it then and there while I'm out walking, and then later when I get back to my desk, the annotations are brought in when I attach the file as I curate and add the new cases or articles.

I'd like to put a note annotation at the top of the file with formatting like this:

tags: tag1, tag2, tag3
related: searchstring_identifying_related_item

The searchstring would be something unique enough that it is not likely to fail, like the court reporter and page information used in legal citation, or the PDF file name of the PDF I clicked the link in that led me to download or print to PDF the file I'm annotating. That's easy enough to put onto the Android clipboard from the file manager, for example.

Then when I get home and run the extract annotations, I want it to grab those tags & etc. and add them to the parent item. Of course for this to work the best, there ought to be a PDF metadata finder that can find a Google Scholar case for a PDF made via print to pdf, so that I can just add them, to a normally empty sub-collection that exists only to separate new items from it's parent collection...

I add them to that subcollection, then run the PDF metadata finder, create and curate the parent items, drag the new entry and drop it on it's parent folder, then use the menu to remove it from the new-item subfolder, repeat until empty again... Having it auto-add tags and related items would make this all much easier. I think of the tags to add while I annotate, not so much while I curate.
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