journal of plankton research

I am looking for a style that follows the Oxford journal of plankton research.
If anyone could assist me with this I will appreciate so much.
This is the style they are requesting for:

In the text a reference should be cited by author and date as:

...experiments by Author (Author, 1989) have demonstrated...,

'or' reported earlier (Author and Author, 1985; Author et al., 1998)...

Do NOT place text other than the author and date within the parentheses. No more than two authors may be cited per reference; if there are more than two authors use et al.

Reference Citation:

At the end of the manuscript the citations should be typed in alphabetical order by first author's surname followed by initials. References should include, in the following order:

Authors' names (please list up to and including eight names, followed by et al.)
Paper title
Journal title
Volume number and inclusive page numbers
Please note: in the Reference List the first 8 authors of each paper should appear in full. For more than 8 authors include the first 8 followed by et al.

The name of the journal should be abbreviated according to the CAS Source Index (CASSI).

The CAS Source Index (CASSI) Search Tool is an online resource intended to support researchers and librarians who need accurate bibliographic information. Use this free tool to quickly identify or confirm journal titles and abbreviations for publications indexed by CAS since 1907, including serial and non-serial scientific and technical publications. Book references should also include the editors and the name and address of the publisher.

Some examples:

Langeland, A. and Rognerud, S. (1974) Statistical analyses used in the comparison of three methods of freshwater zooplankton sampling. Arch. Hydrobiol., 3, 403--410.

Russell, F. A. and Yonge, M. (eds) (1976) Advances in Marine Biology. Vol. 13. Academic Press, London.

Schimizu, I. (1978) Dinoflagellate toxins. In Scheuer, D. J. (ed.), Marine Natural Products, Chemical and Biological Perspectives. Vol. 1. Academic Press, London, pp. 1--42.

Personal communications should cite the name and location of the author (J. Smith, Sydney, personal communication) and unpublished data should be cited as '(unpublished data)'. Both should be used as sparingly as possible.

Reference citation checklist

Year of publication should appear in brackets
Journal name must be appropriately abbreviated (see World List of Scientific Periodicals)
Journal name must be in italics
Journal volume number must be in bold
Do not include journal issue numbers
Use comma, not colon to separate volume number from page range
Use a semi-colon rather than comma to separate reference citations within the text - (Harris, 2009; Harris, 2010) rather than (Harris, 2009, Harris, 2010)
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