declension of nouns

I need declenation of month. For example today is 25 April 20016 in czech 25. duben 2016. If I cite online document in ISO 690 style than I write the date of document as "25. duben 2016" but accessed date in form "[vid. 25. dubna 2016]". Can I solve it in CSL?
  • pretty sure that's not possible. Are there just two relevant cases for dates or is there a chance you'd need more? (I realize there are more cases in Czech, question is if we need any of the others).
  • edited April 25, 2016
    declension in Slavic languages is not easy

    There are two cases in the Czech (in Slovak and similar languages is similar situation):
    A. full date is defined:
    1. date of publishing/accessing: "25. duben 2016" or "25. dubna 2016"
    2. published/accessed on: "25. dubna 2006"

    In case 1., there can be used both versions, if is defined full date.

    B. If is defined only month and year then must be these cases in form:
    1. date of publishing/accessing: "duben 2016" or "v dubnu 2016" and
    2. published/accessed "v dubnu 2016"

    "v dubnu" in Czech is the same as "in/on April" in English
  • OK, so three cases total. Definitely not possible as of now -- it's also quite a challenge conceptually.
    You've worked a lot with CSL: if you have any ideas of how you would have liked/expected this to work in CSL, that could be very helpful.
  • edited April 26, 2016
    I have this idea.

    date part "month" can be in four forms:
    “long” - (default), e.g. “January”
    “short” - e.g. “Jan.”
    “numeric” - e.g. “1”
    “numeric-leading-zeros” - e.g. “01”

    We can add new forms in the CSL specification:
    etc. (I am not sure which grammatical cases are linked to the date in other languages)

    And section terms can be extended similarly:

    Add date-part as a possible condition in construction "IF - ELSE-IF - ELSE" will be very helpful.
  • this gets us almost there, but doesn't give us localizable dates (i.e. what is no <date form="text"/> We might have to live with that, but if we could think of a solution that's not crazy complicated that works for that, it'd obviously be great.
  • There is no problem in numeric forms of date, I think.

    For text form of date I see two possible ways:
    1. define new forms: text-acusativ, text-vocativ, etc. or
    2. define new atribute "gramatical_case" and in local file/section can be defined:

    <term name="month-01" gramatical_case="acusative">lednu</term>

    <term name="month-01>
    <nominativ>leden</nominativ> (default)
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