Why would a Zotero field show { ADDIN ZOTERO_TEMP } ?

I'm troubleshooting problems with someone else's Word document.

One of the citations doesn't appear in the bibliography.

When I toggle the field codes I noticed that it says { ADDIN ZOTERO_TEMP } instead of the usual detailed field code with title, author, etc.

Can anyone suggest some possible causes of this so I cant prevent this happening in the future?


  • Basically it's a placeholder that should normally only be there between the time you click insert citation to the moment the citation gets written/formatted.

    Very hard to say when that would stay in the document. One way I could see is if Zotero or Firefox crashes while you're in the process of inserting a citation.
  • Is there any possibility that it could be related to using track changes in Word?
  • yes, definitely possible. It shouldn't happen, though, and if anyone finds a way to make it happen reliable, it's likely fixable.
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