search collections

Zotero should have the function of searching collections. From the database point of view, I don't think it is very difficult to implement. So I'm very surprised that Zotero still does not have it.
The function of searching collections is extremely important. First, it has something to do with scalability. I have hundreds of collections, and I dare not to create more even though they are very useful because I already started to forget. Second, collections are important because they can be seen as a type of tags. If the collections can be efficiently located, the whole software becomes a lot more powerful because a lot of manipulations can be done. Third, once again a scalability problem, I have been using Zotero for six years, and I began to feel that there is not a realistic good way to index my library. Fourth, don't underestimate the importance of searching and categorization. Google becomes one of the biggest companies in the world starting with a search engine. For any software, in my mind, to be able to store a lot of information is something that every software can do, but the one who can most efficiently provide the users with needed information is the best. So don't just focus on only the complex job of improving computation efficiency, but think how you can improve user interface friendliness.
I've been waiting for somebody to make the suggestion for this function since they one of using Zotero. I never spoke up because I thought people are not going to listen. I have several other suggestions, but I will see if how this one goes first. Thanks
  • This is a fairly common request, but a limited version of it already exists, which is why it isn't a big priority. Press + to expand all collections in a library and then just type the beginning of the collection you're looking for to select it.

    A more advanced search feature would allow for more leisurely typing, the ability to search within collection names, and the ability to have a persistent filter — basically, all the things the tag selector search provides. The UI issues are a bit more complicated than in the tag selector, but this is something that we'll likely have at some point.
  • Thank you for your reply. I think Zotero is a good product, and you should have some high aspirations (to make it best of the class). So do it the Google way (let's try to make it perfect) not the MS way (Oh it sort of works although it still sucks--so we leave it there for now).
    Once again, the limited search function is probably used by 2% of users (with limitations), so the function is still almost non existent. By implementing the UI, everybody can use it with ease which in essence greatly improve the quality of Zotero. I'd say put aside some non-consequential incremental updates but do this one. thanks for listening.
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