Attachments that reference other attachments

I use an application called ELAN that uses different files where the EAF file references the WAVE file, and the PFSX file is located in the same directory as the EAF file (which in turn, also references it).
When I add these files under an item as attachments (stored copy), the references don't work because of the way Zotero saves those attachments.
Is there a way to work around this? Thanks
  • I suppose you could manually place the WAVE, PFSX and EAF in the same folder in storage (i.e. save one, then place the others in the same folder, which you can find using show file). We generally don't recommend manually interfering with the storage folder, but I don't think there's much of a risk here.

    Alternatively, why not just use link to file?
  • I tried before using the link file (with file stored in my OneDrive). It worked in the computer where I did the link, but if I go to another computer, the link doesn't work (again, because the way Zotero saves the files, where the directories change of name from one computer to the next).
    Now, I did what you said: I added the EAF file using Zotero's Add Attachment. Then copied the WAVE and PFSX files in the same directory created by Zotero. It worked, but I don't get to see in Zotero the files I copied manually as attachments (which I guess, I can live with it). When I go to another computer, it works, ELAN adjust the references (it changes the EAF file only). It seems that Zotero treats the three files as one, and since one changed, it uploads eveything, including the WAVE file that it's very large:-(
    Is there any other way around? I tried Zotero's Base Directory (relative paths), but either I don't know how to use it, or it doesn't work.
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