Drag & Drop skipping over destiation collection
When I try to drag and drop a source into one particular collection, the source "skips" over the one I want. I have five collections, and for some reason, the one I'm working on refuses to "turn gray" to accept the source when I drag it there.
If an item is already in the target collection you cannot place it there again. Could that be the cause of your problem?
OS X El Capitan 10.11.3
The items were not in the target collection.
I created a new collection, copied everything in the malfunctioning one, and have gone from there, but I'd like to know what's going on in case it happens again.
The dragged item just skips right by the target collection, I can't get it to rest there and thus drop.
Do you really mean collections within a library, or are you referring to different libraries or collections in different libraries?
As I said, I got so frustrated I just created a new collection with a variation on the name, copied all the items from the nonfunctioning collection into the new one, and deleted the bad collection. Hopefully this won't happen again, but I did want to let you know.
Thank you for the verification procedure for items. That will be useful even if this glitch never resurfaces.