Odd formatting of radio broadcast citation

I have an item, exported to Zotero RDF and BibTeX below.
It looks fine in Zotero, including the following lines:

Item Type: Radio Broadcast
Title: Why Did Humans Become The Most Successful Species On Earth?
Guest: Harari, Yuval
Producer: Raz, Guy
Date: March 4, 2016
URL: http://www.npr.org/2016/03/04/468882620/why-did-humans-become-the-most-successful-species-on-earth

When I go to Word, Insert Citation, type into the box and select the correct item, it shows up as a bubble in the box which reads '"Why Did Humans Become The Most Successful Species On Earth?", 2016' and then when I press Enter to add the citation (style is APA 6th Ed.) it adds a citation to '(“Yuval Harari,” 2016)' which matches neither what's in the bubble nor the expected & desired citation '(Harari, 2016).'

1. Why does the citation have extra quotes?
2. Why does the title appear in the Add Citation interface instead of the author, and why does it have the extra quotes there?
3. Why does the citation include the first name? Most other citations in that document have just a last name, and the name is showing in two parts (Last, First) in the Zotero FF interface.
4. How can I fix it to just get the desired inline citation '(Harari, 2016)' while still keeping the other correct citation information?

Note: For the purposes of this troubleshooting, please assume the title is accurate, using the Washington Post's attribution of "producer" even though a more accurate title might be "host & editorial director."
Setting him to Director causes the citation to go to '(Raz, 2016)' and that's not the right person to credit with the ideas being cited, though he has some concise restatements of them. One could imagine a different citation where the individual was the producer, not the director.

title = {Why {Did} {Humans} {Become} {The} {Most} {Successful} {Species} {On} {Earth}?},
shorttitle = {Yuval {Harari}},
url = {http://www.npr.org/2016/03/04/468882620/why-did-humans-become-the-most-successful-species-on-earth},
abstract = {Historian Yuval Harari explains how human imagination powered the growth and spread of homo sapiens around the world.},
urldate = {2016-03-08},
journal = {NPR.org},
publisher = {NPR},
collaborator = {Harari, Yuval and Raz, Guy},
month = mar,
year = {2016},
file = {Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\Privacy\\Protected\\Path\\Zotero\\storage\\RandomString\\why-did-humans-become-the-most-successful-species-on-earth.html:text/html}

<bib:Recording rdf:about="http://www.npr.org/2016/03/04/468882620/why-did-humans-become-the-most-successful-species-on-earth">;
<link:link rdf:resource="#item_8023"/>
<dc:date>March 4, 2016</dc:date>
<dcterms:dateSubmitted>2016-03-08 12:00:00</dcterms:dateSubmitted>
<dcterms:abstract>Historian Yuval Harari explains how human imagination powered the growth and spread of homo sapiens around the world.</dcterms:abstract>
<dc:title>Why Did Humans Become The Most Successful Species On Earth?</dc:title>
<z:shortTitle>Yuval Harari</z:shortTitle>
<z:Attachment rdf:about="#item_8023">
<rdf:resource rdf:resource="storage:why-did-humans-become-the-most-successful-species-on-earth.html"/>
<dcterms:dateSubmitted>2016-03-08 12:00:00</dcterms:dateSubmitted>
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