Multiple Citation Styles

I have downloaded the citation style that is for my University, and it is fine for books and journals as they are both the same, but for citing law and other government papers, the reference has to be in a different order compared to the books etc. I was wondering whether it is possible for Zotero to have multiple reference 'sub-styles' within the single 'global' style?


  • It's not possible to have multiple citation styles, but citation styles can be adjusted, of course, to treat different types of items differently. Not all citations styles are written to account for all possible item types.

    You can see if you find helpful in editing the citation style in question.
  • I have edited the XML/CSL file and it works perfectly in the style editor in the preferences pane, but when I try to put it into Word it reverts back to original format:

    Books etc: "Author [online] Title (date) [Accessed dd/mm/yyyy]
    Legislation: "Legislation Name (year) Department/Author [online] Available: [accessed dd/mm/yyyy]

    Incorrect: Currently the legislation is in the same format as the rest of it in Word, but not in the style editor. I know that it is valid xml as I have checked it with a validator, and it works in Zotero. Very confused, and slightly annoyed. Any suggestions?
  • Have you tried in a new Word document to make sure? And how exactly are you testing in the style editor? Are you using the installed style there or are you copy&pasting the style code?
  • OMG you are amazing!

    I did try both regarding the testing of code within Zotero, and both were showing to be working.

    I just tried it in a new document and it works perfectly - I never imagined that such a simple thing like that could make that difference?

    Thank you so much, and once I have finished this blasted dissertation I will be uploading the updated version as it is now right, just to say thank you for all the help that everyone has given me, and how useful Zotero really is!

    Again, thank you very much, I am forever indebted, and hopefully now my dissertation will be up to par!

    :) :) :) :)
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