How to change name surname sequence in a style?
Hi folks,
I'm working on my thesis in History at the History Department Heidelberg University in Germany and I use the citation style that is in the repository, however, I like the sequence "last-name, name" better than the other way round (which is also the standard citation style at HD, so I think it'd be better to have it that way)
can any1 hint me towards the way of changingg that order?
I'm working on my thesis in History at the History Department Heidelberg University in Germany and I use the citation style that is in the repository, however, I like the sequence "last-name, name" better than the other way round (which is also the standard citation style at HD, so I think it'd be better to have it that way)
can any1 hint me towards the way of changingg that order?
Anyway, just have a look at how this is done fore the bibliography already. You could just switch author to author-bib down in the citation section of the style, or you add name-as-sort-order="all" to the author macro.
General instructions here:
Name, First Name: Titel.Sub-title(title of series, no...), location high case: edition year.
(notice: we also do not have to name the publisher)
anthologies/editions (don't know what's the accurate term in english ...)
Name of editor, first name (Hrsg): Titel.Sub-title(title of series, no...), location high case: edition year.
a)article in a journal:
Name, First Name: Titel.Sub-title, in: title of journal, nr. year edition, year.
b)article in an anthology/edition
Name, First Name: Titel.Sub-title, in: title of anthology.subtitle, hrsg. v. firstname lastname of editor(title of anthology, nr.), location high case: edition, year.
--> again no Publishers mentioned
Weird: I changed the style and in a new document it is now ordered the way I want, however in the document I previously created and citet with the old style it still uses first name last name order :-/
I'm not going to touch the current style unless we have some clearer guidance I can access.
I checked and the Leitfaden is the same what we've been told years ago :-D
However, It's not that important, 'cause the most important fact is consistency ...
thanks, the change worked :-)
Can I prevent the change from name, firstname to ibid if the page is not the same? (they're very precise about that ... :-D )
AND can I create short-titles?
(only the first citation needs to be the exact title)
SO when I cite
Glyn Williams' "The Prize of all the oceans" for the first time it has to look like "Williams, Glyn, The Prize of All the Oceans, New York, N.Y., 2001, S. X"
but if I quote it for the second, third, xth time a short tiitle like "Williams, Prize, S.X" is OK
Yes on the second one: check for <else-if position="subesequent"> (I think the style does that already.) the use <text variable="title" form="short"/> (or a macro that calls the title variable in this form).
For this to work, the short title field in Zotero needs to be populated, otherwise it falls back to the full title. It doesn't create short titles automatically (it does so on import, but only according to the US rules, i.e. using the part before a colon or similar punctuation mark as a short title).