et-al and small-caps

Hi everybody,

I am using the following names element in my style

as you can see it uses the et-al as well as the small-caps feature. Now when I apply this names element to a e.g. a book with 4 authors I receive a properly rendered names list in small-caps and the et-al term appended also in small-caps.

Now my question: is it somehow possible to have the et-al term not render in small-caps?

Thanks in advance

  • <names variable="author">
    <name delimiter="/"
    <et-al font-variant="normal"/>

    should work, but haven't tested.
  • @adamsmith

    OK, it works - now that's it, I declare to be one of the biggest fans of Zotero and CSL, that is good, better, best, bestest - definitively beyond everything I was expecting.

    OK I know XML, still it took me only 4 days of intensive work to set up and get runnig and further 4 days to shape everything to what is expected from me in terms of citation.

    So E I G H T D A Y S which will save me hours and hours and hours of headache spending getting my citation and bibliography correctly done.

    !!! Please keep that effort up !!!

    Yours sincerely

  • we do our best, glad you got it working for you!

    If your style is of broader interest (see our criteria at ), please consider contributing it to the repository:
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