delete formating

I have this problem: The guide for authors ( requires different font for published and unpublished materials (conference papers, reports). Because the amount of unpublished materials (grey literature etc.) is times less than published materials, I setup the style template to use italicized font. But how I can change it to normal font only for few items in bibliography? Now Zotero can change normal font to italics ( Is a way to change it from italics to normal? If not, could be this feature add to some next version of Zotero?
  • The rich text feature flips formatting, so if you enclose stuff in <i> tags and then italicize it in the style, it comes out as normal font. Does that answer the question?
    The (better) alternative would be to think about if you can test for published/unpublished in the style somehow. Maybe absence/presence of a publisher?
  • "if you enclose stuff in <i> tags and then italicize it in the style, it comes out as normal font" - unfortunately, that not works :(

    the publisher is not a bad idea, but it can not be used for report and thesis. The best alternative is ISBN as an indicator of the standard publication process, but this item is not included in Zotero.
  • Many masters and doctorial theses have ISBNs assigned -- some universities do this in the U.S. but, for the last ten to fiften years, most in Northeastern Europe publish theses with ISNBs.
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