Select item corresponding to current URL, if any

Often, after clicking Add to Zotero, I wish to open Zotero and jump directly to that item, to make some edits or see what data and attachments it has. By default, Zotero just opens to the list of My Library (or a current folder), so I have to figure out search terms and search for the item, then select it.

Could we slightly alter the script followed when opening Zotero, so that if there is any item in the current view with a URL field matching the current URL, that item is selected? The scroll should also be set so that the selected item is in view and the blue bar indicating the selection of that item is visible.

If there are multiple items with the same URL, either select all of them (helping point out that there are multiple items with that URL) or perhaps pick the one that is most complete, or most recently created/edited?

If there are no items with the current URL in the URL field, but there is an item that has an attached screenshot of (or link to?) that URL, that item should be selected by default.
  • Zotero should default to opening on the last saved item. Only time it doesn't, I believe, is when you haven't had the pane open at all during a session (i.e. since starting Firefox). Matching the URL seems overcomplicated to me.
  • (and by saying "should" I mean: that's the expected behavior and it does so for me).
  • wbt
    edited February 19, 2016
    The information of the last saved item may be shown in the right side, but the item is nowhere in view in the middle panel. I have to scroll way up or down (& beyond a certain library size, search) if I want to see an item selected (e.g. to see if it has the full text PDF saved, or to open that PDF).
  • It also should focus the center pane and does for me. If you have the pane open, do you not see any movement? Might be that it barely misses the centering.
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