.ris quit working

I have Zotero installed on my Mac-book, and it has been functioning fine, but earlier I tried to import a .ris from protest, and I got an error message that stated the file type was not supported. I tried a couple of other times, then closed Zotero and restarted, same issue.

Any help or suggestions to fix the issue? I have never had a problem importing .ris data since I started using Zotero in 2014.

  • That link is to a file on your computer.
    Can you please open it in a text editor and copy/paste the contents here?
  • Interesting question, when I click on the file to open it, it is automatically opened by Zotero. Normally that action adds the data to my Zotero data base. However, when I click it asks if I want to down load the file to Zotero (normal), but the I get a message stating that the file is not supported with a link to the Zotero site and what files are supported. Which, is no help since .ris are supported.
  • edited February 18, 2016
    Also note that many ProQuest databases work using a site-specific translator. You may be able to just click the icon next to your address bar to import from that site without needing to export an RIS file.

    Finally: Both the site translator and a random RIS from search.proquest.com seem to import just fine for me.
  • Launch 'TextEdit' and open the file from there. My guess is that the file you downloaded is corrupted.
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