Zotero add-in for MS Word 2016 with Juris-M

Dear all, thank you very much for all your coding efforts. Just to be on the very safe side for our team: the current Zotero add-in for MS Word works with MS Word 2016 via Juris-M (Standalone)? Most errors reported here which are related to Word 2016 refer to the Mac version. Our institution is currently preparing the roadmap for migration, so there is no way around this issue for us.
Thank you very much!
Bettina Rabe
  • Yes, the Word Add-In that installs as part of Juris-M (no need for a separate install) works with Word 2016. There are no frequent issues on Windows. You can see that there are a fair number of issue threads for Word 2016 for Mac--this is primarily due to Mac Word 2016 being a buggy release from Microsoft, rather than issues with Zotero per se. Performance of Zotero on Mac Word 2016 has improved substantially over the past few bug fix releases for Word.
  • (I think the main issue with Word for Mac is actually the lack of a startup folder. I hope to have better troubleshooting instructions for that up by this weekend)
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