Big space after citation number in reference list

Hi, maybe one of you can help me. There is always a long space after the citation number as soon the the citiation number becomes double digit. Obviously, the is a tab character an the tabs are set wrong. Modifying the tabs does not help, they are re-set as soon as the reference list is refreshed... I am using MS word and the Lancet style. It looks like that:

8 Neitzke U, Hard....

9 Ronkainen E,...

10 IshiiiH, TakamiT,....

11 Morin EC, Schl...

Any ideas?

Thanks a lot
  • Zotero uses the "Bibliography" style in Word to format the references list, and it re-applies the style each time the list is updated. Modify the tabs in the Word style to fix your issue.
  • I am having the same issue, from time to time. I have not identified a pattern yet. However, I decided to check the "Bibliography" style in this document in which I am having the same issue at the moment: I notice that I have two "Bibliography" styles listed under "Styles", and while one could be edited, the other gives the error "The style name already exists or is reserved for a built-in style." I am assuming it's Zotero that created this "built-in style".

    Just to show that I did my homework, I edited the one Bibliography style that I could, changed the tab stop to a smaller value, but that had no effect on the reference list. It still looks ugly with huge tabs after the reference number.
  • I fixed the problem by editing the Normal style. It didn't have a tab spacing defined, so I defined one at 0.89 cm, and now the reference list looks nice.
  • The following worked for me:
    Step 1: Select "Reference list" > Style (expand; lower right arrow) > right-click Bibliography > Modify > Tabs > clear all Tab settings

    Step 2: Select "Reference list" > Style (expand; lower right arrow) > right-click Bibliography > Modify > Paragraphs > change hanging style value to 0.85 cm
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